Professional coaching

I accompany clients in making the changes they strive for in their ​professional lives, in particular for international careers, the public sector, ​and entrepreneurs. I coach junior staff to confirmed managers, as well as ​men and women returning to work or considering a career change.

My coaching method can be applied to many work related challenges. It ​can address complex transitions or decision-making, a search for ​greater work-personal life balance, a key career evolution or a new ​challenge. The process can also address specific behaviours in the work ​place or personal development goals, such as assertiveness, leadership, ​conflict management, emotional regulation, stress management, ​self-confidence, creativity or innovation.

The coaching sessions I offer are in-depth and structured ​conversations, around challenging and thought-provoking ​questions. The coaching partnership we build helps bring about ​clarity, new perspectives, ideas and decisions, as well as new ways ​of doing or being. The process usually involves identifying a global ​objective and specific steps or analyses that will help you reach the ​change you want.

Anne-Claire Hoyaux life and career coaching. Coach in Lisbon and on-line

For greater work satisfaction

Identify and accomplish the key analyses ​and actions you need in your professional li​fe.

I offer one-hour sessions of individual career coaching. ​The number and frequency of sessions are determined ​together with the client.

You can schedule a free call with me for us to check ​that we are a good match for a coaching partnership.

I abide by the methodology and ethics of the​ International Coaching Federation (ICF). My ​training certification as a professional coach (PCC, ​Level 2) is accredited by the ICF.

More details on my practice :

+ Read my article on coaching with emotions.

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Successful Man Rejoicing in Nature

Art therapy

In an art therapy session, I offer a choice of various forms of ​expressive arts: drawing, painting, music, writing, modelling, movement, ​role play, collage, storytelling, puppets, photography, video,... Through ​creative expressions, you can address personal emotional or situational ​issues, as well as mental health concerns.

The sessions are tailormade and adapted to your situation, needs and ​preferences. A private consultation usually lasts just under an hour.

This approach can be an alternative or a supplement to talking ​psychotherapies. Art therapy lets the body, intuition, and imagination ​"speak" instead of the mouth alone. Observing your creative expressions ​serves as a window towards subconscious mechanisms and as a tool for ​greater self-awareness and personal growth.

Art therapy helps exteriorise internal tensions or suffering, gain ​perspective, transform inner states and reinforce your sense of agency.

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Book a session

Anne-Claire Hoyaux art therapist adults children Lisbon

Expressive arts for ​emotional, physical ​and mental well-being

Explore your inner self, ​get new insights and feel ​relief through a creative ​process

Art therapy : What for? For whom?

The sessions can bring new insights, relief and healing with ​regards to different types of well-being and mental health​ issues. Art therapy can be effective in many situations such as ​creative blockages, anxiety, fears, depression, grief, trauma, ​learning disabilities, conflict management, challenges around ​parenthood or non-parenthood. Art therapy can support greater ​self-esteem, self-confidence, trust, and relationship skills.

Art therapy is appropriate for all ages. No artistic skills are ​required.

I am a certified art therapist with experience in France and ​Portugal. I have been working as an art therapist with children, ​adults, one-to-one and in groups, including vulnerable communities.

More about my background, my practice and the benefits of art ​therapy :

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Anne-Claire Hoyaux art therapist Lisbon older adults seniors

Art therapy workshop in ​a care home for older ​adults suffering from ​Alzheimer’s disease and ​for family caregivers

Partners and clients

Reviews: Career coaching

"I had the privilege of working with Anne-Claire as my coach, ​and I can't say enough about her exceptional services! Anne-​Claire's coaching style is truly top-notch. She's an amazing ​listener, and you can tell she genuinely cares about your ​growth and success. Her ability to ask thought-provoking ​questions led me to discover new perspectives and insights ​about myself and my goals.

What really stood out to me was her knack for finding the ​perfect balance between offering support and challenging ​me to push my boundaries. She created a safe and non-​judgmental space for open discussions, which made our ​coaching sessions incredibly productive and transformative.

Thanks to Anne-Claire, I not only gained clarity about my ​career change but also mustered the courage to pursue an ​exciting e-commerce business. If you're looking for a coach ​who truly understands your unique journey and helps you ​achieve your goals, Anne-Claire is the one to go to! Highly ​recommend her coaching services!" Danielle Gonsalves, ​November 2023, Lisbon

Reviews: Career coaching

I am thankful for having Anne-Claire as my coach. I really felt myself in a safe, caring and friendly environment. ​She is deeply committed to your growth and well-being. Her support gave me the drive to gain confidence and ​clarity in my personal journey and intentions. Life changes require courage, effort, and determination, and can ​often be a source of stress and overwhelm. Anne-Claire guided me through this process with a sense of ​achievement, confidence, and a gentle approach, helping me pursue my goals through self-care.” Céline Le ​Grand, August 2024, Lisbon

"I'd like to say a big thank you to my coach Anne-Claire, for her support, professionalism, dedication and, above ​all, for the joy we felt together with every step I took. I never felt alone in this process, which is so good but ​sometimes so disturbing, as it constantly takes us out of our comfort zone. I have to say that I strongly ​recommend the coaching process with Anne-Claire to all those who are brave enough to face up to their ​weaknesses and truly want to transform their lives. Be prepared because with coaching, transformation really will ​happen!" Maria Ines Brito, January 2024, Lisbon

Reviews: Art therapy

"Thank you for the art therapy sessions with my daughter. She is delighted and ​transformed!" Mrs L., March 2023, Lisbon

"I’m so grateful for my first art-therapy session; it was a transformative experience ​for me. It left me feeling relieved and liberated. Anne-Claire’s gentle guidance ​provided a safe space for my emotions to unfold naturally. Through the playful ​exercises, my vision became stronger to overcome challenges, realizing that the ​answers and resources were already within my reach. Thank you for this ​experience." Irena Hruskova, March 2024, Lisbon

"Anne-Claire's empathetic approach created a safe and fun space for me to ​explore my creativity. She very gently encouraged me to push beyond my comfort ​zone, and I felt such a tangible shift mentally and even physically, which was way ​beyond my expectations! I highly recommend Anne-Claire, I can't imagine anyone ​who wouldn't benefit from a session like this." Yana Kalinnikova, July 2023, ​Lisbon

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Anne-Claire Hoyaux art therapy children Lisbon

Reviews: art therapy

"I can see a strong improvement in my daughter's behaviour at home, now less ​explosive, including with her sibling. Thank you for the sessions!" Mrs I., May 2023, ​Lisbon

"I loved how when I was playing with the paint, I would want to talk about certain ​things without rushing my thoughts. Anne-Claire guided me through it all, a light in the ​darkness of the pressure that I put on myself to become someone creative. It turns out ​I don't have to become creative, I already am ! It feels so good to believe it with my ​whole body now, not just my racing mind. Thanks so much Anne-Claire for this ​incredibly fun session!" Alix Vuillemin, June 2023, Lisbon

"Such a profound and dynamic art therapy session with Anne Claire. Her guidance and ​prompts helped uncover deep layers for me. She held the space is a safe and trusted ​way. I would highly recommend." Meryl Rowlands, May 2024, Lisbon

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If you wish to leave a review

Art therapy for older adults. Anne-Claire Hoyaux art therapist in Lisbon
Anne-Claire Hoyaux art therapist in Lisbon. Art therapy individual and group sessions.

Feedback on group workshops

"Anne-Claire blended perfectly into our multidisciplinary team. ​Her workshop proposals were diversified and adapted to the ​target audience. Anne-Claire demonstrated tact, compassion, ​creativity, containment and professionalism. Adaptability is at ​the heart of her approach: adaptability to the group, the person, ​the disorders, the moment and the artistic mediums, in order to ​allow the emergence of creativity and self-expression." Director ​of the Répit Grassois, centre for patients with Alzheimer, ​Oct. 2022

"All was amazing. I really loved the workshop. You need to do it ​again!" Mrs B, July 2024, Lisbon

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Group workshops

For adults and children (English and French)

Next dates:

Workshop dates and details are available on my​ Instagram, Facebook and Meet up pages.

I also organise bespoke workshops for ​organisations, businesses, NGOs, psychosocial and ​health centres, teams, students, families, couples,...: ​rates and quote upon request.


50 - 55

Individual professional coaching sessions

On-line / Lisbon : 75 € - 100 € per hour

Art thérapeute Lisbonne. Art thérapie pour enfants. Jeux de rôles, marionnettes, théâtre.

Starting at 25 € per person

Woman in Wide Open Arms Facing the Sunlight

For people with disabilities and older adults, sessions can take place in their homes (additional transport costs may apply).

Discounts on some private and group art therapy sessions for the Lycée Français Charles Lepierre and Redbridge School (10%).

Art therapy for children, youth, adults. In Lisbon and on-line. Anne-Claire Hoyaux art therapist in French and English. Private and group sessions, including families.


  • Pack of 4 individual art therapy sessions (200 euros)

  • Pack of 6 and pack of 12 individual coaching sessions (ask me)

  • Redbridge School and Lycée Français Charles Lepierre (-10%)
Pointing FInger Illustration

Contact me

Art therapy for children, youth, adults. In Lisbon and on-line. Anne-Claire Hoyaux art therapist in French and English

About me

Passionate about psychology, human development and arts, I’m driven by a ​desire to contribute to mental health, self-accomplishment and happy ​relationships.

After working in humanitarian assistance and as a French diplomat, I chose ​to turn to art therapy and professional coaching.

I settled in Lisbon in 2019, after having lived in France, the United Kingdom, ​Brazil, Vietnam and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

For more details on my background and training :

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Anne-Claire Hoyaux coach in Lisbon and on-line. Career and life coaching.


You can book an appointment or a workshop here or :

+351 913 124 029

Rua Dom João V 4, 1250-148, Lisbon (Rato)

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